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5 Email Automation Campaigns Every Ecommerce Store Needs

Jan 22, 2020

Email marketing continues to be one of the most powerful marketing channels in 2020. It’s estimated that email marketing provides $38 for every $1 spent. Nearly every business can benefit from email marketing.

Building individual email campaigns is time consuming, and having these automations in place will help you maximize your email ROI. Platforms like Shopify, Klaviyo and Omnisend make email automation easier than ever. 

Here are 5 automated campaigns that every ecommerce store should be running. All images are courtesy of reallygoodemails, but please visit their site for more inspiration. 

1. Welcome Series

These are the first emails someone receives after subscribing to your email list. There is a lot of room for creativity here, but ultimately you’ll want to:

  • Welcome subscribers
  • Give an incentive to buy
  • Introduce your brand
  • Connect with subscribers on other channels

Welcome Email

Get creative with this email, but it should ultimately accomplish three things:

  1. Welcome new subscribers and make them feel like part of your family. 
  2. Provide a short introduction for your brand
  3. Give a time-sensitive offer

Offer Expiration Notice

Create a sense of urgency around the expiration of their offer. You can also use this email to showcase popular products or answer frequently asked questions to help guide a purchase. 

2. Cart Abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment rates are about 70% on average, which means that 7 out of 10 shoppers will not complete their transaction. This is some of the lowest hanging fruit in the marketing world since these visitors have already shown intent to convert. Having at least one abandoned cart email is a must-have for any e-commerce site.

Cart Reminder

When to send: 2-4 hours after abandonment

This should be a straightforward email reminding shoppers what they left in their cart. Carts are often abandoned due to issues or confusion during checkout, so make sure to clearly display your customer service contact methods.


When to send: 1 day later

If they didn’t convert from the first email, it’s time to add an incentive. Here you want to provide a time-sensitive offer such as free shipping or a discount on their purchase to encourage conversion.

Offer Expiration

When to send: 1 day later

The last email is a simple notice that their offer is expiring soon. Use an attention grabbing subject like “Last Chance” or “Your offer expires today!” to encourage opens.

3. First Time Purchase (New Customer)

Welcome Email

When to send: Immediately

Use this email to welcome new customers to your brand’s family and provide other valuable information. The content can be flexible to fit your needs. You can answer commonly asked post-purchase questions, tell a story, promote your social media, etc.

Review/Customer Service Email

When to send: 4-6 days after product arrives

Send a simple email that asks customers to leave a review if they are satisfied with their purchase. You also want to be proactive and include customer service contact information, just in case there are any issues with the order.

Promotional Offer

When to send: 5-7 days later

Create a time-sensitive promotion that gives customers a reason to buy from you again. Personalize this email as much as possible by promoting accessories for their original purchase or items in the same category. 

4. Repeat Customer

Recognize and thank your repeat customers. Send a sincere “thank you” and provide ways to become further engaged with your brand. If you have a VIP or loyalty program, this is the time to share it.

5. Re-engagement series

Having unengaged contacts on your email list hurts your deliverability and provides no benefit to your business. Use a re-engagement series to keep your list active and engaged.

We Miss You + Promotional Offer

When to send: After 60-90 days of no opens or clicks

Acknowledge that they haven’t been engaged and give a reason for them to come back. Use the strongest promotional offer possible, knowing these subscribers are unengaged and this is your last chance to win them back. 

Offer Expiration Notice

Politely notify subscribers that they’ll be unsubscribed if they do not engage with this email or make a purchase. Include a “Keep me on the list” option as well as an “Unsubscribe” link.

Unsubscribe Notice

If they don’t respond to the first two emails, it’s time to unsubscribe them from your list. Send a simple notification that you’ve removed them from your list and provide a link for them to resubscribe to your list in the future. 

Time to get started

Now that you know the basics, it’s time to build and launch these campaigns. Having these campaigns running will build an automated flow of revenue, so you want to get these campaigns running as soon as possible.

Once they’re running, continue to analyze and optimize the campaigns to maximize open rates, click thru rates, and revenue. 

Good luck!